Serial Vb

Serial Communication with VB.Net. One of the thing I really miss while using VB.Net is the lack of serial communication support.Yes, you can use VB6 s.

Can the VB express version do input and output from a serial port. I need to make a command line application that will either write bytes to the serial port or input.

Serial-port-vb.doc 3 2/1/2010 The WriteLine method writes the specified string and appends a NewLine 0Ah value. Use like this: Dim instance As SerialPort.

Visual Studio 2015Other VersionsVisual Studio 2013

Visual Studio 2012

Visual Studio 2010


This example sends a string to the COM1 serial port. You may need to use a different serial port on your computer.Use the My.Computer.Ports.OpenSerialPort method to obtain a reference to the port. For more information, see OpenSerialPort.The Using block allows the application to close the serial port even if it generates an exception. All code that manipulates the serial port should appear within this block or within a TryCatchFinally block.The WriteLine method sends the data to the serial port. VB


Sub SendSerialData ByVal data As String

Send strings to a serial port.

Using com1 As IO.Ports.SerialPort

My.Computer.Ports.OpenSerialPort COM1

com1.WriteLine data

End Using

End Sub

This example assumes the computer is using COM1.

This example assumes the computer is using COM1; for more flexibility, the code should allow the user to select the desired serial port from a list of available ports. For more information, see How to: Show Available Serial Ports in Visual Basic.This example uses a Using block to make sure that the application closes the port even if it throws an exception. For more information, see Using Statement Visual Basic.

Show: Inherited Protected.

serial vb serial vb serial vb

Main Menu Knowledgebase Serial COM Port Application.DoEvents Communication Methods Control. Invoke/BeginInvoke Delegates Download Enumeration Event Driven.

Nov 26, 2007  Describes how to access serial and parallel ports by using Visual Basic. NET. This article also provides code samples to show how to perform this task.

serial vb serial vb