Xvid Codec Options

Xvid Setup Guide Articles - Digital Digest

Xvid Setup Guide Articles

Select the XviD MPEG-4 Codec in the codec selection section of your video conversion/encoding software. Press the Configure button or whatever button that let you configure the codec settings, and you should now have access to the configuration options described below see screenshot below.

XviD Options

We ll now go through the steps you would need to follow setup the codec for two pass encoding.

Two Pass Encoding :

The steps for two pass encoding are as follows.

1 stars Beware not a pure codec January 07, 2015 By.

7.4. Encoding with the Xvid codec


This setting affects the macroblock decision algorithm, where the

higher the setting, the wiser the decision.

The default setting may be safely used for every encode, while

higher settings always help PSNR but are significantly slower.

Please note that a better PSNR does not necessarily mean

that the picture will look better, but tells you that it is

closer to the original.

Turning it off will noticeably speed up encoding; if speed is

critical for you, the tradeoff may be worth it.


This does the same job as vhq, but does it on B-frames.

It has a negligible impact on speed, and slightly improves quality

around 0.1dB PSNR.


A higher number of consecutive allowed B-frames usually improves

compressibility, although it may also lead to more blocking artifacts.

The default setting is a good tradeoff between compressibility and

quality, but you may increase it up to 3 if you are bitrate-starved.

You may also decrease it to 1 or 0 if you are aiming at perfect

quality, though in that case you should make sure your

target bitrate is high enough to ensure that the encoder does not

have to increase quantizers to reach it.


This controls the B-frame sensitivity of the encoder, where a higher

value leads to more B-frames being used and vice versa.

This setting is to be used together with max_bframes;

if you are bitrate-starved, you should increase both

max_bframes and bf_threshold,

while you may increase max_bframes and reduce

bf_threshold so that the encoder may use more

B-frames in places that only really

need them.

A low number of max_bframes and a high value of

bf_threshold is probably not a wise choice as it

will force the encoder to put B-frames in places that would not

benefit from them, therefore reducing visual quality.

However, if you need to be compatible with standalone players that

only support old DivX profiles which only supports up to 1

consecutive B-frame, this would be your only way to

increase compressibility through using B-frames.


Optimizes the quantization process to get an optimal tradeoff

between PSNR and bitrate, which allows significant bit saving.

These bits will in return be spent elsewhere on the video,

raising overall visual quality.

You should always leave it on as its impact on quality is huge.

Even if you are looking for speed, do not disable it until you

have turned down vhq and all other more

CPU-hungry options to the minimum.


Activates a better coefficient cost estimation method, which slightly

reduces file size by around 0.15 to 0.19 which corresponds to less

than 0.01dB PSNR increase, while having a negligible impact on speed.

It is therefore recommended to always leave it on.


Designed to better encode cartoon content, and has no impact on

speed as it just tunes the mode decision heuristics for this type

of content.


This setting is to control the precision of the motion estimation.

The higher me_quality, the more

precise the estimation of the original motion will be, and the

better the resulting clip will capture the original motion.

The default setting is best in all cases;

thus it is not recommended to turn it down unless you are

really looking for speed, as all the bits saved by a good motion

estimation would be spent elsewhere, raising overall quality.

Therefore, do not go any lower than 5, and even that only as a last



Improves motion estimation by also taking the chroma color

information into account, whereas me_quality

alone only uses luma grayscale.

This slows down encoding by 5-10 but improves visual quality

quite a bit by reducing blocking effects and reduces file size by

around 1.3.

If you are looking for speed, you should disable this option before

starting to consider reducing me_quality.


Is intended to increase chroma image quality around pure

white/black edges, rather than improving compression.

This can help to reduce the red stairs effect.


Tries to give less bitrate to part of the picture that the

human eye cannot see very well, which should allow the encoder

to spend the saved bits on more important parts of the picture.

The quality of the encode yielded by this option highly depends

on personal preferences and on the type and monitor settings

used to watch it typically, it will not look as good if it is

bright or if it is a TFT monitor.


Raise the number of candidate motion vectors by increasing

the precision of the motion estimation from halfpel to


The idea is to find better motion vectors which will in return

reduce bitrate hence increasing quality.

However, motion vectors with quarterpel precision require a

few extra bits to code, but the candidate vectors do not always

give much better results.

Quite often, the codec still spends bits on the extra precision,

but little or no extra quality is gained in return.

Unfortunately, there is no way to foresee the possible gains of

qpel, so you need to actually encode with and

without it to know for sure.

qpel can be almost double encoding time, and

requires as much as 25 more processing power to decode.

It is not supported by all standalone players.


Tries to save bits on panning scenes by using a single motion

vector for the whole frame.

This almost always raises PSNR, but significantly slows down

encoding as well as decoding.

Therefore, you should only use it when you have turned

vhq to the maximum.

Xvid s GMC is more

sophisticated than DivX s, but is only supported by few

standalone players.

xvid codec options

XviD Codec 1.3.4

How to Use the Xvid Codec. One of many types of video codecs, Xvid offers video compression at a 200 to one ratio. Whether you want to create videos with Xvid or.

Xvid Setup Guide | Articles xvid codec options

XviD Codec 1.3.4

XviD Codec 1.3.4

I still was using the outdated XviD compiled by Nic, and during the last two days, I ve messed around with the latest Jawor s modified build. I have to say, the VfW encoder has improved a lot IMHO many many thanks, Jawor. As for the DirectShow decoder, old news, it still is slower than ffdshow, so better not use it. For the ones who can do without potentially-problematic installers, there is a 7-zipped archive --- just unzip, unrar, and enjoy.

Posted April 09, 2011 by El Heggunte.

Version history and archived downloads page for Xvid Codec. Download the Xvid Codec, an open source MPEG-4 codec for encoding and decoding playback.

  • Tells you what the settings for the Xvid codec means, and which one you should enable or disable, and how to do 2-pass encoding with it.
  • Download the Xvid Codec, an open source MPEG-4 codec for encoding and decoding playback.

Xvid Codec 1.3.4 | Software

What I loved first about Xvid had to do with its amazing ability to compress HOURS of video without going over the dreaded 2-GB file size limit for the video portion.

xvid codec options

Xvid Codec 1.3.4 Software - Digital Digest

Xvid Codec 1.3.4 Software.

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xvid codec options

7.4. Encoding with the Xvid codec